Application Streaming

Application Notifiers allow data from an Application’s entire Device population to be securely forwarded to third parties; typically data-processing platforms that provide tailored aggregation, analysis and visualization services. The Notifier configuration provisions the third party’s end-point communication requirements, enabling the Network Server to establish and maintain the northbound data stream.


  • Only Application Provider Administrators can create, edit and delete Notifiers.

To add a Notification Target from the Applications view: first select an Application row from the table; next click the "Modify Notification Target" toolbar button; and lastly select "Add Target" from the dropdown menu. Additional options to Edit and Delete will be present for existing Notification Targets.


Each Notification Target type has a set of common configuration options and a set of additional options that are unique to that target. Some target types do not support all of the common options, so these options may not always be visible.


Additionally, Notification Targets may be edited from the Application Details view by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Application Details Information panel:


Configuration Options

The following options, displayed as checkboxes in the Notification Target configuration dialog, toggle inclusion of the fields shown below in the data streamed to the Notification Target:

Option Description
Use Legacy Format Use an older Notification Target data format.
Batch Notifications Group Notification messages before forwarding.
Duplicate Uplinks Include all copies of a Device uplink from each Base Station that receives it.
Note: this may significantly increase the amount of Northbound data.
RF Data Include the RF fields: channel, datarate, freq, rssi, snr, ismBand and maxPayload.
Type Include the devType field.
Tags Include the tags field.
Metadata Include the metadata field.
LoRa Class Include the devClass field.
Ack Flag Include the ack field.
Firmware Version Include the fwVersion field.
Application EUI Include the appEui field.
Configured Location Include the cfgLat and cfgLng fields.
Estimated Location Include the estLat and estLng fields.
Ack Downlink MsgId Include the ackDnMsgId field.
Profile Include the defProfile field.
Gateway Received Time Include the gwRxTime field.


The following fields are included in the data streamed to the Notification Target if enabled in the Notification Target configuration dialog:

FieldName DataType Description
devEui String 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier of the Device transmitting the message
gwEui String 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier of the Base Station that received the message. Without Duplicates included this identifies Base Station that first relayed the message, though not necessarily the one preferred for downlink communication.
joinId Number Incrementing Integer used to Identify the last join request accepted by the LNS
pdu String Protocol Data Unit or Customer Payload data
port Number 0 indicates that the FRMPayload contains MAC commands only and 1..223 are Application specific
seqno Number Incrementing integer used to identify an uplink
txtime String Time the message was received by the Network Server
channel Number Frequency Channel of the transmission
datarate Number Integer that maps to a spreading factor, bandwidth and bitrate
freq Number Transmit Frequency in MHz
rssi Number Received Signal Strength Indicator reported by receiving Gateway
snr Number Average Signal to Noise Ratio reported by receiving Gateway
ismBand String The ISMBand (US915,EU868,EU433,CN779,AU915,CN470, etc) reported by the receiving Gateway
maxPayload Number Max Payload size in bytes that can be sent at the current datarate by this Device
appEui String The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier.
ack Boolean Flag indicating if the uplink was acknowledging the receipt of a downlink
ackDnMsgId Number When present, indicates that a Device has acknowledged a specific downlink message ID
devClass String LoRaWAN Class designation ("A", "B", "C") of the Device
devType String The type of the Device
dup* Boolean Flag indicating if the uplink was already forwarded because it was heard by multiple Gateways
estLat* Number Estimated latitude of the Device in decimal degrees
estLng* Number Estimated longitude of the Device in decimal degrees
cfgLat Number Configured latitude of the Device in decimal degrees
cfgLng Number Configured longitude of the Device in decimal degrees
tags String A comma separated list of tags configured on the Device
metadata String The metadata value configured on the Device
devProfile String The name of the Profile applied to the Device
fwVersion String The firmware version of the Device
gwRxTime String Time the message was received by the Gateway

* Requires contractual agreement

Notification Target Types

There are several supported Application Notification Target types:

Each type has unique configuration options.


Field Description
URL The destination URL where messages will be sent
Header Key(s) Optional HTTP header key to include with sent messages
Header Values(s) Value to include with the associated header key

Senet Packet

Field Description
Uplink URL The destination URL where messages will be sent
Downlink URL URL where Downlink messages will be sent
Join URL URL where Join specific messages will be sent
Encoded API Key An API key used to provide access to the message destination
Header Key(s) Optional HTTP header key to include with sent messages
Header Values(s) Value to include with the associated header key

AWS API Gateway

Field Description
Server Name The name of the AWS server where messages will be sent
Function Name The name of the target function that will be executed on received messages
API Key The encoded key used to provide access to the AWS server
Token An optional token to pass to the AWS server API


Field Description
Webhook URL The destination Losant-created URL where messages will be sent
Authorization An optional Basic Authentication Base64 encoded Username:Password


Field Description
SSL/TLS Indicates whether to use secure communication protocols for messages
Client ID A unique ID for the message sender
Broker Address The address where messages will be sent
Broker Port The port number where messages will be sent
Publish Topic A topic ID for filtering sent messages
Subscribe Topic A topic ID for filtering received messages
Username A username used to authenticate with the message server at the Broker Address
Password A password used to authenticate with the message server at the Broker Address


Field Description
Project Id The Project messages will be associated with
Wehbook Signing Key String used to authorize Webhooks


Field Description
Authentication Token Token to enable data forwarding to respective service