The Senet Network can be instructed to forward received messages using RESTful HTTP/HTTPS. The forwarder will be expecting a page that accepts a standard HTTP POST. Messages are forwarded as JSON without a message wrapper, i.e. messages will begin and end with {...} and will not include message={...}. Messages will be contained in the FormBody of the post. Using the Senet Development Portal, users can configure the API to forward option HTTP Post or HTTPS Post and supply the URL of the POST accept page. For users that move beyond the development stage, Senet can assign a block of EUIs to be forwarded thus eliminating the need to assign each node to a forwarding address.
Platform Setup
Implementation specific.
Notifier Setup
The HTTP/HTTPS Notification Target also allows up to two header values to be specified. If headers are specified, they will be added to the HTTP-Request that is POSTed to the URL. Headers in this context are typically used to provide authentication for the request. For instance, you may want to specify an “APIKey” that identifies the Request. The Destination API would then read the APIKey header value to validate the request.
Messages will be forwarded in JSON format (See Default Data Fields).
In an effort to support older implementations, we offer a Legacy Format with the HTTP/HTTPS forwarder.
Example Legacy Format with Additional RF Data Fields:
"PDU": "01080100F2020018",
"FREQ": 907.9,
"TXTime": "2017-04-19T17:38:34.504Z",
"RSSI": -51,
"SeqNo": 13,
"Port": 1,
"SNR": 11,
"DataRate": 1