Semtech BasicStation

The Senet Network supports LoRa Base Station's running the Semtech BasicStation forwarder. This is a great place to start with development and initial integration.


If you have not done so already you will need to register your gateway through your Developer or RAN Provider account. You will be provided an EUI during registration, if an EUI cannot be provided during registration you will receive an e-mail with an EUI and a copy of the following instructions.


The Semtech BasicStation is configured via multiple files or through a user interface depending on the Base Station manufacturer. Senet prefers the secured LNS URI to be used for deployed Base Stations. The unsecured version is available for debugging and development purposes.

Key Value Location Description
EUI or routerid XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX station.conf Base Station EUI, provided by Senet upon completion of Base Station registration. Also called Manufacturer EUI.
LNS URI (secured) wss:// tci.uri Note the port, if configuring through a UI you may need to set this separately. Requires TLS Certificate
TLS Certificate Provided By Senet This file is provided by Senet and is required to be used with the secured URI.
Download TLS Server Certificate
MD5: 71dbb1c6dce10acc39e5915cfa60aa1c

Unsecured LNS URI (Debugging and development purposes)

Key Value Location Description
EUI or routerid XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX station.conf Base Station EUI, provided by Senet upon completion of Base Station registration. Also called Manufacturer EUI.
LNS URI (unsecured) ws:// tci.uri Note the port, if configuring through a UI you may need to set this separately.
TLS Certificate Provided By Senet Not required for unsecured configuration.

Completing Configuration

A common configuration checklist is listed below.

Some steps listed may not be required for all Base Station vendors and models but the steps are listed in roughly chronological order:

Configuration Updates

When updating channel plans or other Basics Station settings through the Senet Network you must wait a minimum of 60 seconds and restart Basics Station. This restart is required to allow your Basics Station integration to request the updated configuration changes.