Semtech LoRa Basics Station

Also typically used by developers during early-stage product development, LoRa Basics Station fulfils all tasks related to basic packet forwarding functionality for LoRaWAN. Its WebSocket implementation offers secure authentication along with limited channel plan configuration through the Network Server. However, traffic filtering is not supported. Onboarding requires simple configuration and registration.


Base Station registration and Software installation is only required for devices that are new to the Senet Network. If Senet provided the Gateway, no further action is necessary.

Semtech Basics Station – Senet Verified Gateways

Senet seamlessly supports Standard Semtech Basics Station integrations and will work with most Basics Stations equipped Base Stations even if it is not listed in the below table.

The Semtech Basics Station is configured via multiple files or through a user interface depending on the Base Station manufacturer and/or the Base Station firmware version. For full details please read the Generic Basics Station page.

Below are the generic requirements to configure a Secured Basics Station to operate with the Senet LoRaWAN Network Server.

Key Value Location Description
EUI or routerid XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX station.conf Base Station EUI, provided by Senet upon completion of Base Station registration. Also called Manufacturer EUI.
LNS URI (secured) wss:// tci.uri Note the port, if configuring through a UI you may need to set this separately. Requires TLS Certificate
TLS Certificate Provided By Senet This file is provided by Senet and is required to be used with the secured URI.
Download TLS Server Certificate
MD5: 71dbb1c6dce10acc39e5915cfa60aa1c

A common configuration checklist is listed below.

Some steps listed may not be required for all Base Station vendors and models but the steps are listed in roughly chronological order:


For testing and development purposes the Unsecured LNS URI configuration is also available.

Directions to configure specific vendor Base Station models can be found below:

Model Type Regions
Browan Pico Next 8-Channel Indoor US915, EU868
Cisco Industrial IR1101 Gateway (LoRaWAN Module) 8-Channel Indoor US915
Cisco Wireless Gateway 16-Channel Outdoor US915
Dragino LoRaWAN Base Stations 8-Channel Indoor, 8-Channel Outdoor US915, EU868, IN865, AU915, AS923
Kerlink Wirnet iZeptoCell 8-Channel Indoor US915, EU868, IN865
Milesight UG6X 8-Channel Indoor US915, EU868, IN865, AU915, AS923
MultiTech Conduit, AP, IP67 - mPower 8-Channel Indoor, 8-Channel Outdoor US915, EU868, IN865, AU915, AS923
Option CloudGate 8-Channel Indoor US915
Peplink Balance 20X (LoRaWAN FlexModule Mini) 8-Channel Indoor US915, EU868, IN865, AU915, AS923, AS925
RAK Wireless 8-Channel Indoor US915, EU868, IN865, AU915, AS923

Semtech Basics Station - Gateway Communication Ports

Below is a table of ports used by the Base Station to communicate with the Senet Network. The included domain and port information can be used for whitelisting these communications on a network.

Semtech Basic Station will use ports 6042,6044 or 6038,6040, depending on the authentication mode configured.

FQDN Port Protocol Direction Usage 6042,6044 TCP Inbound/Outbound TLS Secured LoRa Messages 6038,6040 TCP Inbound/Outbound Unsecured LoRa Messages
NTP (Time Synch) 123 NTP Outbound Time Synchronization
DNS 53 DNS Outbound Domain Resolution